Summer to Fall: Yellow, Blue, and White Striped Crop Sweater


Hello, lovelies! I cannot believe summer is coming to an end. I’m officially moved into my new apartment in Kent and have already started my classes for the semester. I couldn’t be more excited though. After commuting for two years, I’m finally living closer to campus and downtown, where I can access everything more easily! Plus I can hang out with my friends more often, so that’s another bonus! Don’t get me wrong, I loved living with my parents and my dogs, whom I definitely miss dearly. But everything is a little easier now that I actually live in Kent and I’m becoming more independent with my lifestyle. I’m feeling very confident, organized, and mature ☺️ Plus my previous commute was only 15 minutes, so I’m still fairly close to my hometown!

Am I sad that summer is almost over? Of course! I love warmer weather, the sun not setting till 9 pm, not having to worry about classes, and paddle boarding in the lake back at home. However, it’s nice to watch seasons transition overtime. It’s something I look forward to every year, as cliche as it sounds. I’m currently getting excited for fall and watching the leaves change color and the weather becoming more mild and crisp. I also look forward to the holiday season, and even Halloween! While I’m going to soak up the sunshine and enjoy these last summer days as much as I can, I can’t complain about a new season being just around the corner!

And since summer is currently in the process of transitioning into fall, I have a super cute cropped boat neck sweater that’s appropriate for sweater weather but still acceptable for summer when the temperature isn’t boiling hot!

I originally saw this sweater by Urban Outfitters being worn by Olivia Rink, one of my favorite bloggers, on one of her Instagram posts. I ordered this sweater two months after to wait for it to go on sale, and when it finally did it was only $35! A major steal for a good quality sweater! Even though I say every sweater is my favorite sweater (because I’m obsessed with sweaters), I honestly think this might be my favorite one in my wardrobe right now. And thanks to it being cropped, it’s a perfect transition from summer to autumn. It’s great for chilly, casual bonfire nights with your friends or when going on a morning trip to the farmer’s market when the weather is in the 60’s! You can wear a lot with it besides shorts like I am: high-waisted denim jeans, black leggings, denim skirts, and white jeans.


I’m sad to say that this specific sweater is no longer available in the store and online, but you can find very similar ones with the same price or even lower! And who knows, they may make more and put them back in stock because this sweater was so popular. So don’t give your hopes up!
