The Secret Hair Formula(te)


Hair and technology are two things that don’t really work well combined. However, what if I told you that you can now use technology to CUSTOMIZE your hair products? Yes, it’s possible and Formulate is here to help you!

My hair has always been pretty healthy. I’ve never had any serious problems that caused it to damage. However, that doesn’t mean it’s always been super easy to take care of. In fact, it can be pretty annoying to care for it. It’s so long, thick and dark, which just makes caring for it more time consuming. Don’t get me wrong, I love it and I’ve heard many people say how they would rather have thick, long hair! Another bonus is that I don’t have to wash it every day. When I do wash it; however, it takes so long to wash out the shampoo and conditioner. It also takes just as long to blow dry afterwards. The one thing I find most annoying about thick, long hair is how frizzy and bushy it can get. Mine gets frizzy and bushy so easily, especially in the heat or if I don’t style it. And the more frizzy and bushy it is, the harder (and more painful) it is to brush it out. And even though I don’t wash it every day, it can still get greasy and gross by the third day no matter how often I use dry shampoo. Safe to say that although I love my hair, it definitely can be a struggle trying to care for it.

Thankfully, Formulate reached out to collaborate and I read all the wonderful benefits of the products. They’re sulfate free, cruelty free, dye free, paraben free, and preservative free. There’s less water used and more natural important ingredients. See? Formulate is great for hair AND for the Earth! Could you ask for more? My cousin is also a hairdresser and told me that she likes the brand, so obviously I had to say yes! The best part of the collaboration - besides trying out the products - was getting to customize my own products. I got to pick what works best with my hair and what doesn’t, as well as my hairstyle goals. Ask, believe, receive!

It was a very unique hair process. When customizing the shampoo and conditioner, I had to take a survey with questions about my hair: how thick it is, how long it is, if he gets oily very easily, etc. Once the survey was complete, they combined different shampoo and conditioner ingredients that would work best for my hair type. There are three special oils included in the products. The three in mine are wheat germ oil, coconut oil, and pumpkin seed oil. The scent of the shampoo and conditioner are “At Dawn”, which includes the “lightest bloom of rose, green apple, and crispy pear around each other”. So fancy shmancy, amirite?! Normally haircare brands don’t share the ingredients that they put in their products, which is why Formulate is so unique. They share every special chemical they use in the guide that’s included in the package, along with the instructions of use. It’s very satisfying and helpful to know what’s being put in my hair!

My hair is more glossy and healthy now that I’m using these products. And since the ingredients can fight frizz and oils for a while, I can go a few days without having to wash my hair. Even the third day - and sometimes four or five days - isn’t as gross as it was before I switched brands! Customizing my own shampoo and conditioner was something I’ve never imagined doing for myself, but I’m sure glad I did with Formulate!


Are you ready to transform your hair with Formulate? You’re in luck, because I’m teaming up with them to offer YOU an opportunity to enter a special giveaway!


The giveaway ends on and is only available for US residents. Every entree will receive a $5 discount on their first purchase (free shipping included). Good luck!